Beltone Foundation Partners with Hearing Care Provider Dean
Kent to Give Hearing Aid to Deserving Community Member

Beltone Hearing Center in Omaha is presenting a local resident with the latest model of Beltone hearing aids, Beltone Achieve, through the Beltone Foundation.
Nominated by local owner and Hearing Instrument Specialist Dean Kent, Joanne Monestero was chosen by the Beltone Foundation as part their ongoing commitment to support hearing care. In addition to dealing with profound hearing loss for over 20 years, Joanne recently lost her eyesight. On Wednesday, September 13 at 3:00 pm., Dean will be delivering and fitting the brand-new hearing aids.
“Combine with the recent loss of her sight, Joanne’s connections to her friends and family has been significantly altered. We wanted to do something to help her reconnect with the outside world”, Dean says. “We stay committed to helping improve the quality of life of the people in the communities where we live and work. We are proud to partner with the Beltone Foundation as a way to honor our commitment to quality patient care”.
Beltone hearing care foundation
The Beltone Hearing Care Foundation is committed to helping the world hear better
Throughout our company history, Beltone network members have gone above and beyond. In addition to caring for patients on a daily basis, the team has also found creative ways to assist those in need of hearing help who may otherwise be unable to access it.
Beltone hearing care foundation
What is the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation?
The Beltone Hearing Care Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation.
Why was the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation established?
Throughout our company history, it has been our mission at Beltone to help the world hear better. The Beltone Hearing Care Foundation was created to continue that caring legacy by formalizing a program to assist those in need of hearing help who may otherwise be unable to access it.
How are candidates nominated?
Candidates may be nominated by any Beltone staff or network member. A nomination must be accompanied by a completed Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Application Form.
Are nominations limited to organizations or can individuals also be nominated?
Organizations and/or individuals are eligible to be nominated for the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation program.
Is there an application fee?
No, there is no application fee associated with the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation.
How many nominations are accepted during a calendar year?
There is no limit to the number of nominations that will be accepted during a calendar year; however, Beltone Hearing Care Foundation hearing aid inventory may limit distribution of instruments within a calendar year.
Is there a limited-time nomination window, or are nominations accepted anytime during the year?
Nominations are accepted at any time during the year, but must be submitted no later than 60 days prior to any scheduled fi tting or charitable event.
How long does it take for a nomination to move through the selection process?
Once a completed application is received by the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Board, there will be a 30-day review period before any approvals will be confi rmed and/or communicated.
Dispenser Requirements
Are there any requirements of the dispenser?
Yes, there are a few simple requirements in order to submit candidates for the Beltone Hearing
Care Foundation:
• The dispenser may not charge fitting or other fees for Beltone Hearing Care Foundation hearing aids
• The dispenser must submit the application well before the fitting or charitable event (at least 60 days prior)
• The dispenser must submit the following items to the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Board upon completion of the fi tting or charitable event:
– Pictures and/or video of the event
– Impact and outcomes of the event
– At least one patient testimonial and picture of patient
Selection Process
How are selections determined?
The completed applications are reviewed by the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Board, consisting of a team of cross-functional managers. Individual applications are discussed and assessed, after which selections are confirmed and communicated. Larger volume requests will require additional consideration at the discretion of the Board.
How are recipients notified of their selection?
Once the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Board has made its selections, the submitting party is notified directly by a member of the Board via phone or email.
What types of hearing aids are the recipients awarded?
Beltone behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing instruments are available through the program; however, custom instruments are not. Every effort will be made to provide the most appropriate devices to the recipients.
Do recipients receive one or two hearing aids?
Individual recipients will receive either one or two hearing aids, based on their individual needs and practitioner discretion. Organizational recipients will receive the number of hearing aids deemed appropriate by the Beltone Hearing Care Foundation Board.

Beltone Giving back

Last Friday, May 5th, we had the honor to fit Wendy Baldwin with some brand new hearing aids! She had lost her hearing aids in a fire, and we were able to obtain new ones for her through the Beltone Foundation. Our President, Dean Kent, was her fitter.
“We consider our patients as family, and we wanted to do something to help Wendy recover her hearing after the fire”, Dean says. “We are committed to helping improve the quality of life in the communities where we live and work. Partnering with the Beltone Foundation is just one way that we use to honor our commitment to care for our patients”
Congratulations, Wendy!
Local farmer wins complimentary hearing aid, replaces ones he lost in the March floods
While battling the March floods, a local farmer lost his hearing aid in the rising water. Through the Beltone foundation and local audiologist, he wins a set of complimentary $8,000 hearing aids. Read full story
Wisner man regains hearing
Wisner resident David Metschke was granted a free pair of hearing aids from Beltone Audiology and Hearing Centers on Tuesday after sending a heartfelt letter to the company’s president, Dean Kent
On March 14, Metschke was told by the Wisner Police to evacuate his home for the evening because of rising floodwaters due to the overflowing Elkhorn River. Before doing so, Metschke, a farmer, moved much of his equipment on to higher ground to avoid water damage. Read full Story
‘Like waking up from a bad dream’: Man hears wife speak clearly for 1st time in 5 years thanks to hearing aid donation
The 73-year-old Bellevue man suffers from dementia and hearing loss. A few years ago, his wife, Terri, 66, quit her job as a purchasing agent for a local printing company to become his full-time caregiver. Since then, Terri said, David’s hearing loss has declined steadily.
“I have noticed his hearing getting so bad he doesn’t hear whether he is talking on the phone to one person or a group,” she said. “He is withdrawn from most conversations when there is more than one person involved. It is extremely frustrating to him. I literally have to bite my tongue many times because it is so upsetting to have to repeat things at times, sometimes as many as four times.” Read full Story

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