The ease of a trimmer product. The benefits of digital sound.
3 different BTE options
Small and attractive
Beltone TURN is a very attractive trimmer-based hearing solution – in every sense. It lets you provide your patients with a high-quality digital hearing instrument.
Your patients will enjoy natural sound housed in reliable, quality hardware. Plus, you’ll be able to fit many different types of hearing losses, ranging from moderate to profound.
Advanced technology. Easy to use.
Beltone TURN gives you digital features, so you can provide all the essentials of a top-quality hearing solution. Beltone TURN also offers a manual volume control and simple “one-touch” switching between programs.
These features guarantee your patients great sound quality, comfortable listening and ease-of-use.
Simple to fit anytime, anywhere
Just turn the trimmers and you’ll have access to the benefits of the digital world. TURN BTE products have up to three trimmers to choose from, making the fitting easy and flexible.
Advanced technology. Easy to use.
Take a look inside
Digital signal processor:
A combination of frequency and time domain signal processing allows for:
- Accurate frequency response shaping
- Very low processing delay
- Excellent sound quality
- Multi-channel processing
Noise reduction – Speech Pattern Detection:
Speech usually has a higher degree of modulation than environmental or
background noise. Speech Pattern Detection continuously analyzes modulation in all channels.
When a drop in modulation is detected, the system activates a compressor
that reduces gain for low-modulated noise. Meanwhile, high-modulation
speech is still being detected and amplified in order to allow your patient to
understand speech in noisy situations. The benefits are:
- Minimized disturbance from background noise
- More comfort with less listening effort
- Preserved speech signal when speech modulation is present
Curvilinear WDRC compression:
With curvilinear WDRC – Wide Dynamic Range Compression – you can make
sure that your patient can hear both soft and louder sounds comfortably and
naturally. Curvilinear WDRC ensures that louder sounds are amplified less than softer sounds.
In combination with a proven set of attack and release times, curvilinear
WDRC provides a more natural loudness growth. Beltone TURN also provides
a manual volume control, which gives your patient complete control over the
loudness level. Benefits are:
- Natural sound experience
- Optimal use of the hearing range
- Control of loudness level
Offices :
West Omaha, NE - NOW OPEN
Satellite Locations:
Service Centers:
Syracuse, NE